Creating The Circular Carbon Economy

Biochar Natural Fertilizer - Cill Ulta An Leas Glas

Cill Ulta, a community services project, has been involved in horticulture for almost three decades, providing naturally grown produce for the local traditional Gaeltacht community. The team has extensive expertise in soil health and growing, biodiversity and conservation. Outreach work in cultivation in the local community to grow viable crops and awareness of endangered species in our surroundings lead to the development of the prototype.

Cill Ulta An Leas Glas – Natural Fertilizer was developed through the endeavours of our European Innovation Project, to grow potential market crops in an upland area in a sustainable method. The addition of biochar to the prototype Comfrey and Nettle natural fertilizer for a slow release realised the full potential of this product. The cultivation of Comfrey and Nettle in local abandoned land is providing cover for wild birds in an Area of Conservation. So as an outcome of the fertilizer production we don’t only have a high quality fertiliser which supports soil health and organic matter, but also established a way of sustainable farming where we can produce food and care for our endangered species. 
