the Circular Carbon Economy

The Circular Carbon Economy (CCE) aims at the management, conversion and sustainable utilisation of residual biomass resources for the creation of carbon based products and services. It shall enable value creation in a circular way, thus keeping the carbon in the loop, this becoming a local CO2 sequestration strategy.

Biochar plays the central role in this approach, since it has an ever-growing list of potential applications, encompassing the agricultural, horticultural, environmental, construction and water treatment sectors alongside many more.

THREE C is a European platform which supports new product and service providers, enterprises, communities and eventually also the customers to create, process and use innovative biochar products and related services.

The three Cs represent the 3 central support elements for local circular carbon economies:

  • the HUBs as hybrid co-working spaces and incubators for start-ups and product/service developers,
  • the LABs as scientific sources for quality assurance and the
  • NETs as diving boards into the markets and our European Community.

Previous Projects

A more detailed overview is provided by the Prograss Network – an association set up by some of the project partners to pursue the group’s ambitious goals in the long term.


Get a quick idea of the approach by watching this video from the previous RE-DIRECT project.


The THREE C project is formed by an interdisciplinary group of organisations. The partners are located in Ireland, Wales, Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands.