Four workshops have been successfully held
The THREE C Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme covers biochar in the steps of input (materials), conversion of materials into biochar and possible outputs in the context of the circular carbon economy.
Supported by experts from the THREE C project in the different areas, the workshops will be interlinked to provide a mixture of input and Q&A sessions. This gives participants the opportunity to explore the topics in more depth and to ask questions tailored to their needs.
A further extension of this workshop concept was made possible by the inclusion of external partners who are part of the THREE C network. These included experts such as D. Houben (impact of biochar), J. Musiol (Wundergarten), B. Vandecasteele (potential of biochar), S. Veser (wastewater management) and G. Dunst (water management). They were able to share their experience and expertise with the participants and were available to answer questions afterwards.
There will be more workshops in the coming weeks and if you are interested, please contact one of our project partners.