Creating The Circular Carbon Economy

2nd The THREE C Programme

Are you interested in taking concrete action for a more climate friendly, circular economy in your region?

The Circular Carbon Economy has to be implemented by experts from all disciplines and socie-tal sectors –it is not just end-of-pipe conversiontechnology or a local supply service. It needs innovation and a real collaboration of experts and committed professionals on different socie-tal levels.
Hence THREE C addresses regional innovators, professionals and entrepreneurs to become pio-neers to promote the circular carbon economy. It creates development spaces for internation-ally and interdisciplinary working teams of experts and developers who collaborate to develop products and sustainable approaches based on biochar feedstock and smart integrated biomass management.
Participants come from engineering, science, design, municipal and regional development, so-cial innovation and research from North West Europe.
The full THREE C programme consists of 2 parts.
  • Part 1 is a fully fledged CPD (Continuous Professional Development) for professionals who in-tend to extend their services based on the conversion of biomass and product development based on biochar. It consists of monthly online sessions with expert inputs and design thinking sessions based on realcases in European regions.
  • Part 2, the THREE C Business programme can be directly accessed already in 2021 by enter-prises, NGOs and municipalities working in waste biomass and biochar processing. It is render-ing individualised Product Development support and Capacity Building activities relating to business planning, regional development, legal aspects and financing.

Please contact your regional THREE C partner for more information.

How to Participate?

THREE C offers 3 support facilities:

  • Incubators to support product development (CC-Hubs)
  • Product quality control within the joint CC-Labs
  • the CC-Net as a European coordination, network and supply structure

The structures can be accessed via our THREE C professionalisation programme which is delivered on two levels

  1. for interested professionals who want to develop their professional skills and competences to use and apply solutions for the circular carbon economy and
  1. for professionals from enterprises and municipalities and start-ups to develop products and services based on biochar and collaborate with our European network.

Target Groups

THREE C works parallel on regional and European levels.

It addresses 

  • Regional Innovators who want to 
    • Create and sustain a circular carbon economy in their regions
    • transform waste biomass in valuable materials
    • Develop region-specific climate friendly development communities
  • Enterprises who would enrich their product portfolio by:
  • Creating new products and product lines based on biochar feedstock
  • Utilising biochar products in order to make their business sustainable and circular
  • Start-Ups and entrepreneurs to:
  • Develop new products and services
  • Liaise with European partners
  • Found their businesses and use our network for marketing and supply